Creation’s Cusp

This poem written thanks to the talents and generosity of poet and artist Rick Mobbs and the inspiration of his painting fibonacci .


The mind struggles to ponder,
That which it has always contained.
The soul is everlasting searching,
For the place from where it came,
We see without true vision,
We hear without understanding.
We think without comprehending.
The simple truth is not grand design,
The reality of this being,
The reality of human passage,
Becoming nothing more than dust,
To be born again in Creation’s Cusp.

Copyright: 2008, Donald Harbour

7 thoughts on “Creation’s Cusp

  1. “The soul is forever searching” Great line, which invokes the infinite spiral of the fibonacci — all we really learn is that there is even more yet to learn than we have learned. I like that the last line turns what could be despair into a vision of larger understanding.


  2. You’ve really got my mind working overtime with this one. I can’t help thinking that we’re only here to remember where we came from…

    Cool poem, goes well with the prompt picture.


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