Bye bye babies

Bye, bye babies.

A spindly creature occupies the yard,
filled with notations of red, perched
as pompous breasted birds wanting to fly,
she cannot let them for it is not time,
this pregnant apparition clings to them,
her holy crown of forest green shimmering,
soon she will move giving elemental birth,
such as has been done for as long as memory,
youth will not know her season long courage,
nor appreciate this fruitful fulfillment,
once there is release from her womb,
there will come a time of rest for her,
waiting for the returning honey maker,
there to impregnate her blossoms of love,
giving her a reason to live and produce again.

©2012, Donald Harbour

2 thoughts on “Bye bye babies

  1. The imagery is gorgeous, especially the red notations. 🙂 not only that, the respect and beauty you bestow on this mother, the tree, literally glows through your words.



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