Your secret irresistible voice

Your secret irresistible voice whispers in my ear.
When you are close enough for my mind to feel the heat
of your Sen-Sen scented breath the desire in me
rattles the bars of my mental confinement,
screaming like a simian in a circus cage.

Desire is replaced with unfathomable passion, longing,
the corpse past, the moment a bog of unformed sculptors clay.
Your hands will mold it, thumbs, fingers gouging, stroking
the flesh until it is what you want it to be.
There will be resistance, a denying of the inevitable.

That cloying thrill when your body barely touches mine,
the anticipation an ecstasy, the taking a sensual summit,
sucking at my soul, devouring it until your creation is finished.
Fired by passion, this ceramic investment of chelations awaits the
cast when again your secret irresistible voice whispers in my ear.

Copyright: 2009, Donald Harbour

16 thoughts on “Your secret irresistible voice

  1. I think the form you’ve chosen for this, the tight blank verse and stanzas, is a perfect match for the tone and the subject, the former formal and constrained, the latter wildly unrestrained. The result is a strong building throughout of ardor, tension, and expectation. At the same time, the voice isn’t really unrestrained, not at its deepest level. There is subtle but everpresent sense of commitment and maturity in this. I really like the metaphors around creation, clay, and the firing of passion.


  2. A very passionate poem Donald. Like David, I enjoyed the clay metaphor, “the clawing”=D Thank you for sharing this steamy work.


  3. I love your use of sound: your Sen-Sen scented breath

    And your ceramic imagery really works very nicely. I particularly like these lines:

    Desire is replaced with unfathomable passion, longing,
    the corpse past, the moment a bog of unformed sculptors clay.

    Wonderful poem, Donald.


  4. On reading this steamy poem,my eye caught ‘yesterday I cooked a crock pot of chili all day’and I thought..typical…not concentrating on the job …and the moment was lost!


  5. Very “steamy” and sensual, and I LOVED the description of desire as “rattles the bars of my mental confinement, screaming like a simian in a circus cage”. WOW!


  6. Interesting to think link it to ceramics. Your edition of ‘Ghost story’ is really nice. There’s something alluring about voice, hers and yours!


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